Unlocking Convert Square Feet to Square Meters Convenience (Mar’24)

Square Feet to Square Meters Converter

Do you know How to convert square feet to square meters in Excel?

Convert Square Feet to Square Meters

To convert square feet to square meters in Excel, you can use a simple multiplication factor:

1 square meter = 10.764 sq feet

Square Feet to Square Meters formula

Here’s how you can do it follow the below steps:

  1. Create a Column for Square Feet
  2. In one column, list the areas in square feet.
  3. Use the Conversion Factor:
  4. In the adjacent column, use the formula to convert square feet to square meters. For example the square feet value is in cell A1, you can use the following formula in cell B1 and then copy this code “A1/10.764”
  5. Drag the Formula Down: Drag the fill handle (a small square at the bottom-right corner of the cell) down to apply the formula to other cells if you have multiple values.

Well done my friends, Now the values in column B should represent the equivalent area in square meters.

Note: This conversion is a rough approximation due to the rounded conversion factor.

Let’s see How to convert square feet to square meters in inches

To convert square feet to square meters when the measurement is in inches, you will need to consider the conversion factors for both linear units (inches to meters) and square units (square inches to square meters).

Here are the steps:

Convert inches to meters:

1 inch=0.0254 meters, you can convert the dimensions from inches to meters by multiplying the length in inches by 0.0254.

For example:
If you have an area in square inches, and the length is in inches (let’s call it L):

Java code: Length in meters = L*0.0254
Convert square inches to square meters:

1 square meter=1550.0031 square inches, you can convert the area from square inches to square meters by dividing the area in square inches by 1550.0031.

For example:
If you have an area in square inches (let’s call it A):

CSS code: Area in square meters = A/1550.0031

So, the combined formula to convert square feet to square meters when the dimensions are in inches would be:

Code: Area in square meters =(Length in inches 0.0254)(Width in inches*0.0254)/1550.0031

Make sure to substitute the actual values of length and width in inches into the formula.

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